Key Chiropractic & Wellness Centers Nampa, Idaho (208) 965-2128

Chirothots How Can That Be?

How Can That Be?

Steven Key B.S., D.C., C.C.S.P.

A woman had been suffering from an intestinal dis-order called Crohn’s Disease and recurring polyps for 15 years.  She now has absolutely no pain, no dysfunction, and no more polyps and leads a normal drug-free, happy life eating anything she chooses and actively participating in every activity she and her family undertake.

A seventh grade teacher had decided that she would retire after only 11 years in the classroom because the kids, in her words, “Are insensitive, rude, ignorant and don’t care about their own or anyone else’s future.”  She is back in the classroom now and she is marveling at how different the kids are this year compared to previous years.  Of course, she knows they aren’t really any different at all.  She knows that she is so much healthier and happier that she is bringing a completely different energy to her classroom.

A woman had been having trouble swallowing and had experienced a feeling of tightness in her chest and at the base of here skull for several years.  Many doctors had told her that nothing was wrong, that it was stress and yet, after just a few adjustments, these uncomfortable feelings were gone.

A man in his eighties had been walking with a walker for the past four years.  He used to love jogging but the pain and weakness in his feet and legs had gotten to the point where he could now only walk slowly and for short distances before having to stop.  He now jogs every morning with his fourteen-year-old Grandson.

A baby was unable to nurse or even drink from a bottle.  He had been this way since his birth four days earlier.  After just one adjustment, he latched on and began nursing normally.  He also had his first bowel movement immediately afterward; something his parents described as a “major infant mudslide!”

A woman with no sense of smell for many years is able to smell the cookies her teenage daughter just baked.

A boy with no complaints comes in with his mother and she decides to put him under chiropractic care for wellness.  He is great in school and a delight to be around.  He is very healthy.  After only 2 months of care, he runs into the office wearing a medal he won for being the fastest runner in his class.  I tell him and his mother how proud I am of him and they tell me that until he began getting adjusted, he was the slowest runner in his class.  He beams with pride.

A man in his seventies tells me how much better and more relaxed he is feeling since beginning care.  His four-year-old Granddaughter is in the corner playing with her doll and says, “Yep!  And Grandpa doesn’t smack me anymore either!”  The man begins to cry.

How can all of these things happen from a program of chiropractic care you ask?  It is actually very simple.  Each one of us (including you) has an Innate Intelligence within our bodies that knows exactly how to run, regulate, adapt, heal and grow our bodies from conception until death.  But, if the communication pathway in the nerves between your brain and your body is compromised by what we call the subluxation process, this Intelligence cannot comprehend and respond to all of the stresses you encounter in your environment, and cannot maintain normal function, so things begin to break down.  This will eventually affect every single system if allowed to progress and can result in every kind of physical, mental, emotional, social or spiritual problem you can imagine.

By restoring the NEUROLOGICAL CONNECTIONS between your brain and your body through the chiropractic adjustment process, your innate energy is able to once again flow easily from inside-out and restore you to the whole and happy being you were meant to be.  Remember, "focus on the life you want to have not the one to avoid".  Aloha !!

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10:00 am - 1:00 pm

4:00 pm - 6:30 pm


10:00 am - 1:00 pm


10:00 am - 1:00 pm

4:00 pm - 6:30 pm




10:00 am - 1:00 pm



10:00 am - 1:00 pm 4:00 pm - 6:30 pm
10:00 am - 1:00 pm
10:00 am - 1:00 pm 4:00 pm - 6:30 pm
10:00 am - 1:00 pm

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Steven Key DC, CCSP (Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician) (208) 965 2128